I officially switched to Fedora 7 yesterday. The move really wasn't that difficult (I admit I had the support of Benrr101 via AIM). LightningStormI if you really wish to get a hold of me. Anyways I am highly impressed so far despite the internet being slow. I think something is up with my internet in general though. I am still open to testing other types of Linux, because I am always open to change if it is some kind of complete efficiency breakthrough. Dream Linux does sound nice, although my only experience with MAC is in my old computer lab, and that was in like 5th grade and lower. Overall, its a lot like learning to ride a bike. Its very different from windows, but once I get completely used to it I think I'll be far more efficient, and enjoy it more. Not to mention Fedora is much prettier that windows 2000 LOL. I definitly like the application packager thing, because then I don't need to search for hours for the type of program I need its just there already. I think this was a move for the better, despite my limited system capabilities at this time.
If anybody has anything helpful in terms of linux things that I might need comments are very welcome and much appreciated.