Friday, October 3, 2008

I've had Enough

I can't take this any more. The people around me, the hypocrisy, the narcissism, the conceit, the stupidity, all of it. Its driving me mad. No one seems to care about anything important anymore. I can't stand by and say or believe that its some "part of God's plan" anymore. My friends, gone or changing way too fast.

The self-righteous rantings of my ignorant peers are starting to get to me too. Who are they to judge me, limit me, and humiliate me. WHO? The constant " I love you Storm" from certain people is really starting to anger me too. Why lie to my face. Can't you just leave me alone? Is it that hard to give me my space, do you need to constantly make yourself a part of my life or at least whats left of it. No you don't, and you never will.

Then we have the whole my class being immature thing. I can't put up with that anymore either. One of the best friends I have ever had (and ever will have) was just killed by a drunk driver. So what does one of the shining stars of our beloved football team do? He goes on freshman retreat and tells all the little kids that its fine to drink, what a great roll model. None of them learn, I guess that's what sets me apart. They are damned to repeat the same mistakes over and over again, I'm not.

I just hope graduation day gets here soon, I can't stand this anymore.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A lot of Dust

Today we finally decided to locate the cause of my laptop's overheating problem. Long story short, Alex took it apart and discovered and incredible amount of dust almost completely blocking the heatsync. After cleaning it out, the temperature of the processor only got up to about 120 on startup, when normally it could get up to about 160. Quite the improvement I think. Hopefully it will remain functional. By the way, if you have Windows XP, download the zune theme, it's a lot better looking than the default XP themes.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Fedora 7

I officially switched to Fedora 7 yesterday. The move really wasn't that difficult (I admit I had the support of Benrr101 via AIM). LightningStormI if you really wish to get a hold of me. Anyways I am highly impressed so far despite the internet being slow. I think something is up with my internet in general though. I am still open to testing other types of Linux, because I am always open to change if it is some kind of complete efficiency breakthrough. Dream Linux does sound nice, although my only experience with MAC is in my old computer lab, and that was in like 5th grade and lower. Overall, its a lot like learning to ride a bike. Its very different from windows, but once I get completely used to it I think I'll be far more efficient, and enjoy it more. Not to mention Fedora is much prettier that windows 2000 LOL. I definitly like the application packager thing, because then I don't need to search for hours for the type of program I need its just there already. I think this was a move for the better, despite my limited system capabilities at this time.

If anybody has anything helpful in terms of linux things that I might need comments are very welcome and much appreciated.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Computer Stuff

So today I finally got my other computer set up. Its currently on windows 2000, however thanks to Benrr101, I have nearly maxed out my memory, possibly maxed out because I still have some serial numbers to look up.

I am seriously considering a conversion to Linux at this point. I tried the Ubuntu test CD, and it is safe to say that I was very impressed, the only hope is that it will run faster off of the hard drive and not a disk.

I have encountered one problem that has stopped progress though. I like to keep my options open, so I can choose the best alternative possible. I wanted Fedora very badly, however the disk it comes on is a DVD, so guess what, my computer can't read it. I am currently searching for a solution, so I will keep posting.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Testing Sage

I am testing my new firefox ad-on "sage" if it shows an update in my blog, then i set it up right.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Jesus Camp

My other blog shows the nature of the enemy. The things that have pried away at my mind. I say "no more." The teachings were wrong. I am proud to be a catholic, and I am proud to be sane. You will no longer use my conscience against me. Faith without works are useless. Hypocrisy is the nature of evil.

Monday, January 7, 2008

another new blog

well, I say prepare to fight, or at least argue

i offer logic and reason, with faith. I think that neither can survive without the other and i believe things have gotten way out of hand lately.

the battle grounds: