Monday, June 4, 2007

Lonely Day

Another song that Tyler made me aware of. I love the solo.


AmericasNextFreak said...

Yay for LOTR! and a good song as well ^__^

Anonymous said...

Being a big LOTR fan, I really liked that.

Fran "the man" said...

this goes for no disrespect to tyler but i was giving him a ride home and i played lonely day by system of a down on the way there so you probably wouldn't of heard it from him, either way that is a cool song and for the last time until i see you again,
I Like Pudding.
see you, hopefully, later

Anonymous said...

..Whoa, what are you talking about, Fran!? I've loved System since they came out. :P I have all of their CDs, and have seen them in concert before they went on a hiatus.

-- Ty