Sunday, May 13, 2007

The tortures of long distance running...

So yesterday I went running for the first time in about three or four months. It wasn't fun. I definitely over did it. You are generally supposed to ease your way into long distance running, but being me, I decided what the heck, I may as well just keep going. I kept going and going for more than four miles. Not a particularly wise decision. Don't get me wrong, I have been known to run for up to ten plus miles at once, but thats generally after being used to running. After about the second mile I felt like I was running through fire, and my fingers were numb. Sorry for complaining about my stupid decision, but there is a moral to this story. That is don't go running at a long distance, if you haven't been seriously running for more than a month.



AmericasNextFreak said...

haha, we all make stupid decisions sometimes, it's all good

i still can't get over that last post, that is so cool. ^__^

Exquisite said...

Run Run Run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'M... storm...

AmericasNextFreak said...

*looks up...*
