Friday, April 20, 2007

Tremolo picking... one of the coolest guitar techniques ever

OK, so tremolo picking is playing one note (one string), over and over again as fast as possible. Its really difficult, but I have been practicing it and have gotten to be able to do it consistently, well sort of. Some days I can do it other days I can't, much like artificial harmonics. Anyway, it sounds sweet, and I think I'm going to incorporate the technique into my own guitar playing style as much as possible.

I am developing a guitar playing style (as mentioned above), and it is still quite basic. But here's some of what it includes: fast power chords, tremolo picking, clean (on the amp, when I can effectively use it), some slides and of course really fast finger/pick tapping (I don't really know if that is the technical term for it). A few of you have heard that last technique, and it is by far my favorite to use spontaneously.


kkl19902008 said...

This has nothing to do with the blog. I just wanted to ask for your sn. mine is restricted with the last two numbers of the year I was born and the year I graduate all one word. IM ME!

AmericasNextFreak said...

Cool combination, your playing style sounds good. Learn more stuff behind your head, that's cool!!!

Fran "the man" said...

i just listened to Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls and that's a sweet song.
i like pudding

AmericasNextFreak said...

Your guitar playing is still amazing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.