Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I have been so exhausted for the past couple of days. I started weight lifting again yesterday. But that doesn't explain why I was tired before that. It must be school, its finally getting to me. Everyone else says that they're tired to, maybe we're all sick with some sleeping virus or something. A lot of them have mono though, I'm not worried about that, since I couldn't possibly have it (thank goodness).


Ranting Heathen said...

Storm. I made this blog...it's Tyler.

Ye ye. Check out the poems I'mma about to add on my blog thing. (I'm also confused on this whole...thing. D:<)

Fran "the man" said...

you have a point storm but if we're all sick with a sleeping virus then i'm not complainning about that. the thing that i do complain about is school though.

AmericasNextFreak said...

Hm, that had to stink. I'm glad you're better now!! ^__^