Monday, March 19, 2007

Busy Day

Today has been busy. We took notes on the overhead a lot today, far from fun. I made a big recycle symbol on my math binder, with fluorescent green duct tape. This was the first thing one of my unnamed friends has applauded me for concerning duct tape, if you know who I'm talking about you understand, if not don't try.

I have a small amount of free time before I have anything else to do.

Anyone got anything interesting to talk about? Please tell me, my brain has been slowed by the boring and repetitive process of note taking.


Fran "the man" said...

hey man don't forget about justin today at gym. also i did recieve your message but for some reason i can't send any to you so i'll try to figure this out.
I LIKE PUDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AmericasNextFreak said...

that certain person would be alex, i know that now.... haha