Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hero of the day part VI

Remember how I said that there might be more than one hero of the day? Well today is the day. Anyone who had any hand in the bowling party yesterday is an honorary hero of the day today. Thanks everyone you are awesome.


AmericasNextFreak said...

Again, exellent choice. I've been listening to a bit more of Metallica, and I'm really liking them so far.

Can't wait for your next pic!


Ranting Heathen said...

Dude. You need to read my blog. :P

I guarantee you'll laugh. XD

-- Ty

Fran "the man" said...

ty is right you do need to read his blog, along with mine. and once more i enjoy being hero of the day and along with everyone, bowling was fun eventhough we lost two out of three.
I LIKE PUDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

piano boy said...

It was fun, hey, i'm hero twice know. Sweet. See you tommorow

kkl19902008 said...

I love being hero of the day. This SHOULD be my third time. First for the heck of it, second for the party, and third for the PIE!!! Love you.