Tuesday, March 20, 2007

School is just plain boring

The name says it all. Nothing happened today,except for the fire drills. We had two fire drills in a row. I guess they were a result of a technical flaw in the new system. If you didn't know our school had a major addition added this last year, or so. With the addition came a new security/alarm system. As you can see, the faculty (or whoever is in charge of it), haven't figured it out yet.

In other news Daniel found his math binder. This is good, because we just started taking notes in class again (ZZZ...ZZZ...ZZZ...).

I'm working on getting weather pictures for the next post.

In the mean time, thought this was funny, considering that it was on a shoe box, that I got for Christmas.

I thought it was funny, but I have a weird sense of humor. Who eats shoe boxes anyway?

I guess it's a mystery (note, there weren't any of those poisonous things that you normally find in shoe boxes either (there may have been at one point or another though).

Please give me some ideas for an interesting post, I'm desperate.


Ranting Heathen said...

I'm sure it wouldn't taste that bad...

AmericasNextFreak said...

yummy. Shoebox.