Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Battle is Lost...

I give up fighting them over the driver's ed. thing, I apparently can't win. Oh well.

I'm gonna change the music here in a few minutes, I just don't know what I'm gonna change it to yet...


Exquisite said...

I'm very proud of you for quitting the fight with your parents. I understand why you don't want to do Drivers ED during spring break but it stinks no matter when you do it and it IS better to do it when you don't have school hanging over your head. I had to do it in the summer and believe me, IT WAS WORSE. Besides, I hear from Daniel that your instructor will be hilarious!

piano boy said...

Ignore the instructor part, but I have to agree with KK. God says that he will bless us when we submit to those in authority. I will see you tommorow and I hope that you have a good day.

Exquisite said...

Well at least any instructor would be better than mine, He FREAKED ME OUT A LITTLE!